coming monday (5th & 6th Nov) is a huge day for me as well as another 94 students... i think it is more important than my wedding (IF THERE IS GOING TO BE ANY... must find a rich, dying woman first). also more important than shifting to my new house.

it's THE day when 94 of them will sit for the ibo sl mathematics examinations 2007. the very first batch of ib students passing through me. it's will always be special, be it heartache or joyful moments or pain in the &*#.
730 days in the ib program
24 months of hardwork
8 terms of struggle
4 semesters of chasing homework
2 years of joy and fun
but there is only 1 aim... Grade 7!!!
all the best to each and everyone... be it Grade 7, Grade 6, Grade 5... we tried our best and we worked hard together for it. for now, it's the last lap in the struggle, we'll enjoy the fruits of your labour on 7th January 2008.