Friday, September 7, 2007

Best buskers I have ever seen... and the only one I gave money to...

these two buskers are really talented... they really sang well and very good voice too. i spent 30 minutes watching them perform. they sang a number of song from my era. 外面的世界,我真的受伤了,朋友别哭 and many other... brought back a lot of memories and reminds me how old i am getting!

in the end, i parted with RMB 20, and purchase a CD which they recorded by themselves even though they are selling it for only RMB 10. Hey... RMB 10 is only S$2!! where else in singapore can you get something that is good and dirt cheap? anyone visiting Shenzhen must go and see them perform at 华强北路, talents should not go to waste...

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