Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Thank you, Class of '07

7th jan is a big day for the class of '07 - the release of IBDP results. even though i knew the full results on 5th jan, it's great to see the happy faces of everyone in the auditorium. some came back with crew cut, some taller (some still as short *daniel*), some fatter - but everyone came back with a huge smile on their face. it's been a memorable 2 years, lots of anxiety (while waiting for the ib results), anger (when ben and jin en skipped pc lesson), depression (horrible mid-year results), fun (writing poor when auggie scored 48/50 for tests), laughter (tying up jeremy in leather suits with whip), love/hate relationship (feng ze's look at my face, do i give a damn comment), "mood swings" (throwing CAS files into the dustbin) and many more...

it's not easy to be the pioneer batch of ib students. there are lots of expectations and demands. but i think everyone (almost everyone) did their part. thanks for all the memories...
augustin, khing, han, phang, su, yunyi, byron, kia hua, hammie, michelle, tim seow, rayan, marcus, daniel, darren, reuben 'cannot-make-it' ong, justin 'baker' lin, jit, keat, ashvin, jeremy 'tie-him-up' ee, keith, kenneth, shahir, gerald, hansheng, luke, felicia, jason, milton, jonathan, greg, bloke, matthias, yar tun, regine, daryl, jin en, timothy, kang di, cheryl, beth, dml, gn, amelia, jemma, hannah, brendan, sam chan, ian, TP, sher shern, mel yeo, dilys, daniel tay, yeo '45 pointer' yao wen, lee may, ben chia, chris cheong, josh loke, bryan chung, pong, pern yi, juin shiong, nat wong, shyna-rongxin-huimin 'where to shop and where to go high tea', anna, tim chang, kevin 'cannot read his handwriting' tan, kenneth tay, van, collin 'when-is-he-going-to-jump' ho....

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