what i experienced when trying to clear the custom is exactly why i will never never return back to malaysia as a citizen... those custom officers are so lazy and so slow in clearing the tourists. they flip each page of the passport as if it weighs 100 tonnes. their eyes half closed, what were they checking really?? (read today's 15/2/2008 news paper if you have time, the custom officer actually tried to hit on a cheo bu while checking her passport, asking her for her telephone number! DESPERATE!) these people are lazy and almost to the brink of being useless. malaysia boleh!
the bus ride was rather pleasant, because i slept throughout the journey. haha... you won't want to watch the video they show on the bus. the voice is so soft, ride is jerky, and reading the english subtitle won't help either, unless you understand things like "joseph, i ask the pot fill mary", "was enemy michael fight" - DUH?!
bus station at kluang (below) - unchanged, untouched since 1980s! you wonder where their development money go to, into the pocket of the ministers/mayors, where else....

granmother's neighbour back in the 'kampong' of kluang and her mini garden.
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